Geographical area
Doctoral student
Doctoral student
Doctoral student
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Role within the IdA
Coordinateur.rice de pôle
Coordinateur de pôle
Coordinatrice de pôle
Anglophone studies
Modern and contemporary history

Key words: feminisms, history of feminist movements, opinion tribunal, violence, transatlantic relations.

Bio: Milène Le Goff is a doctoral student in joint supervision with the University of Lille (CECILLE - ED473) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (CIERL - EDT56), where she is supervised by Hélène Quanquin and Cécile Vanderpelen-Diagre respectively. 

Her research focuses on the International Tribunal for Crimes against Women, an event held in Brussels in 1976. Through the prism of this feminist forum, she studies transatlantic relations between American and European feminist movements and the circulation of international feminist ideas and practices in the 1970s.

She is the recipient of one of the Institut des Amériques' doctoral contracts, thanks to which she is coordinator of the Washington pole (2024-2027). As part of this program, Milène Le Goff is invited to conduct research at Georgetown University, where she is a visiting scholar.

In September 2024, she published an enlarged edition of the proceedings of the International Tribunal for Crimes against Women, as well as their French translation to make them accessible to the French-speaking public.