Dans le cadre des manifestations America2026
Programme de la journée d'étude
Accueil-café : 9h
- Introduction générale : 9h15-9h30 Carine Lounissi et Bertrand Van Ruymbeke
Morning Session 9h30-12h30: International Dimensions of the American Revolution
Chair : Allan Potofsky (U. Paris Cité)
- 9h30-10h: Carine Lounissi (U. de Rouen), et Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, (U. Paris 8-Vincennes St Denis), “The American Revolution and Europe: New Transnational Perspectives”, Revue Française d’Etudes Americaines 2022/4 (n°173), comments by Steve Sarson (U. Lyon 3).
- 10h-10h30: Andrew O’Shaughnessy (University of Virginia), et John Ragosta (ICJS Monticello), European Friends of the American Revolution, University of Virginia Press, 2023, comments by Olivier Chaline (Sorbonne Université).
- Discussion: 10h30-11h10
- Pause-café: 11h10-11h40
- 11h40-12h10: Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (U. Paris Cité), “The American Revolution and the Counter-Revolution of Fugitivity, Revisiting Benjamin Quarles’s The Negro in the American Revolution through the Prism of Recent publications”, comments by Andy Cabot (U. St Quentin en Yvelines/ UMR LARCA).
- Discussion: 12h10-12h30
Lunch break: 12h30-14h
Afternoon session 14h-16h30: Political and Economic Problems
Chair: Monica Henry (The William Short Papers)
- 14h-14h30: John Ragosta (ICJS Monticello), Patrick Henry, University Press of Virginia, 2023, comments by Florence Petroff (U. de La Rochelle).
Discussion : 14h30-14h50
- 14h50-15h20: Niccolo Valmori (European University Institute), Banking and Politics in the Age of Democratic Revolution, Oxford University Press, 2023. Comments by Allan Potofsky (U. Paris Cité).
- 15h20-16h10: Manuel Covo (University of California, Santa Barbara), Entrepôt of Revolutions: Saint-Domingue, Commercial Sovereignty and the French-American Alliance, Oxford University Press, 2022. Comments by Boris Deschanel (U. d’Avignon)
- Discussion and conclusion: 16h10-16h30
Claire Bourhis-Mariotti (Université Paris 8-Vincennes St Denis), Carine Lounissi (Université de Rouen-Normandie), Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (Université Paris Cité) et Bertrand Van Ruymbeke (Université Paris 8-Vincennes St Denis)
Plus d'informations
Journée d'étude
Le 10 novembre 2023
De 9h à 16h30
Com o apoio do IdA
Campus Condorcet
Institut des Amériques
Bâtiment de recherche Sud, 6e étage
5, cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex