From June 2011 to February 2016, the Andean Bogota center was hosted in the Andean Parliament, where an active collaboration could be implemented in the spirit of a think tank.  On March 21th 2017, the cooperation framework agreement between IdA and the National University of Colombia was signed. The framework agreement plans the organization of scientific activities and exchange of professors between both institutions. Moreover, it encourages the realization of doctoral thesis in joint supervision between IdA member’s universities and the  Facultad de Ciencias Humanas of the National University.

Discover in 180 seconds the thesis of Valentina SANTAMARIA ALVA, coordinator of the Andean Bogotá center (2024-2027), PhD student at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (ED 122).


PhD dissertation topic: «"Yes to God, no to abortion": political parties and evangelical movements in politics in Colombia since 1991 », under the direction of Camille GOIRAND

At a time of institutionalization and militant renewal of feminist movements in Latin America, several countries are witnessing the emergence of conservative “counter-movements” that are challenging these advances, both at the ballot box and in the streets. Valentina Santamaría looks at the crystallization of this conservative reaction in Colombia, built around the issue of decriminalizing abortion. Two central groups of actors are mobilizing around this issue: anti-abortion collectives, who take to the streets to protest, and members of evangelical political parties, who speak out against the Constitutional Court ruling. Using the sociology of careers and the sociology of social movements, the coordinator of the Bogotá Andean cluster aims to map the irruptions of the religious field into the political arena, while defining the resulting political polarization.

To contact the center 

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Francisco A. Ortega will be on sabbatical between September 2024 and September 2025. He will be replaced by Veronica Salazar Baena.

Consult the thesis topics of former coordinators of the center

Élise PIC (coordinatrice de 2021 à 2024), Université Paris Nanterre 

« Droits bioculturels et pluralismes : étude à partir de l’expérience colombienne », sous la direction de Véronique Champeil-Desplats.


Laetitia BRACONNIER MORENO (coordinatrice de 2018 à 2021), Université Paris Nanterre

« Justice transitionnelle et pluralisme juridique. La juridiction spéciale pour la paix saisie par les groupes ethniques dans le cadre du post-conflit en Colombie », sous la direction des professeurs Véronique Champeil-Desplats et Camilo Borrero

Laura LEMA SILVA (coordinatrice de 2015 à 2018), Université Lumière Lyon 2
« Les politiques de la langue en Colombie : littérature, mouvements sociaux et pensée critique latino-américaine », sous la direction d’Alvar de la Llosa.

Cristina MORENO (coordinatrice de 2012 à 2015), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 
« La construction de l'État colombien au prisme de l'éducation: Nationalisation et modernisation pendant la République libérale 1930-1946 », sous la direction d'Olivier Compagnon.

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