Created in 2021 the Chicago Center is located at the  The University of Chicago. As part of this partnership, the coordinator is hosted for two years at the University of Chicago in the United States and one year at the Paris Center of the University of Chicago in France.

Discover in 180 seconds the thesis of Adam BIGACHE, coordinator of the Chicago Center (2021-2024), PhD student at Aix-Marseille Université (ED 354).


PhD dissertation topic : «Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961) and the literary mediation of the Harlem Renaissance. » under the supervision of Cécile Cottenet (Université Aix-Marseille).


The Chicago Center is interested in African-American literary history and the study of periodicals. Adam Bigache's research seeks to shed light on the construction of the Harlem Renaissance’s literary canon between 1919 and 1926, through the analysis of the role of Jessie Redmon Fauset, literary editor of The Crisis magazine. This study of the literary history of the Harlem Renaissance through Fauset's work as a go-between highlights the tensions of the period, while underlining the feminist and transnational dimensions of the movement, and testifying to an in-depth transformation of the literary canon.


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Et avant...

Le pôle Nouvelle-Angleterre de l’IdA  a laissé sa place au Pôle Chicago. Il etait installé sur le campus du Boston College, dans les locaux du Service du Développement International. Shep Melnick, professeur en science politique à BC, était le référent local de l’IdA.  Le 2 et 3 mai 2014 s’est tenu le séminaire du lancement du pôle « Early Modern France and the Americas : Connected Histories » à Boston College. Cet événement a été sponsorisé par l’Institut for the Liberal Arts, the Clough Center for Constitutional Studies, the John Carter Brown Library, et le consulat général de France à Boston.

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