Erwan Lamy
Aire géographique
Epistémologie, histoire des sciences

Erwan Lamy is Associate Professor of the Information and Operations Management Department at ESCP Europe, and an associate researcher at IDHES Cachan (CNRS, ENS Cachan). Following a Master's Degree in Physics at the University of Paris VI, he graduated in 2005 with a Doctorate in Epistemology, History of Science and Technology from the Paris Diderot University (Paris 7) with a thesis on entrepreneurial researchers. His work primarily uses social epistemology to define the organisational and institutional conditions for improving the reliability of knowledge production processes within organisations, in particular for innovative companies and research organisations. He is also conducting a philosophical reflection on management sciences. He is one of the founding members of the Société de Philosophie des Sciences de Gestion, and he continues to contribute to its development.