The Southern Cone Center was created in 2018 thanks to a partnership between the French Institute in Argentina and the Universidad de Buenos Aires surrounding the integration of the IdA in the Franco Argentinian Center of High Studies (FAC). Since 1996, this Center works to develop scientific cooperation between French and Argentinian universities. Associated with the School for Advanced Studies in the social sciences and the Université Paris Sorbonne, the FAC is today a fundamental institution to promote French research in all the Southern Cone countries. In order to promote research, conferences, seminars, colloquia and other academic activities are regularly organized in synergy with local partners and the French scientific and university cooperation in order to promote scientific exchanges between France and the countries of the Southern Cone Center. Since 2019, the France-Southern America doctoral day has been organized in order to promote academic and scientific exchanges between young researchers from France and the Southern Cone Center. 

Discover in 180 seconds the thesis of Marjolaine DAVID, coordinator of the Southern Cone center (2022-2025), PhD student at the Université Bordeaux-Montaigne (ED 480)

PhD Dissertation topic : "Mapping transfeminist street activisms. Affective networks, circulation and mutations of forms: a living archive from the city of La Plata (2015-2022)" under the supervision of Cecilia GONZALEZ SCAVINO and Ana LONGONI

The recent massification of feminist mobilizations in Argentina, with the "Ni una menos" movement and the campaign for the right to legal abortion, has been accompanied since 2015 by a renewal of the forms of struggle. Through her research, Marjolaine David intends to study the forms of political and artistic actions that take place in the public space of the city of La Plata in order to fight against sexist and sexual violence and transform gender relations in Argentina. To do so, she focuses on ephemeral urban practices, sometimes anonymous and little known to the academic field, such as paintings, collages, stencils, murals, graffiti, performances or transfeminist installations. The objective of this research is to create a decentralized cartography of the transterritorial networks formed by street art activisms, starting in La Plata.  Marjolaine David's research aims to create an archive of the different ephemeral artistic forms, to reflect on the diffusion and circulation of these, according to the idea of the living archive, allowing to create a connection between the activist world and scientific research.

To contact the center : 

Consult the thesis topics of former coordinators of the center

Camille LAURENT (coordinatrice de 2019 à 2022), Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

« Les pratiques de construction des communautés dans les forêts sèches du Chaco argentin entre nécessité de repenser la "résistance" à l'extractivisme et influence des acteurs internationaux du développement », sous la direction de Pierre Gautreau et de Lorenzo Langbehn.


Lucas MORINIERE (coordinateur de 2016 à 2019), Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
« L’universalisme constitutionnel – une contribution à la théorie postmoderniste de la Démocratie », sous la direction de Dominique Rousseau et de Roberto Gargarella. 


Elena TARDITI (coordinatrice de 2013 à 2016), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 
« La clause démocratique : un instrument efficace pour la protection de la démocratie au sein des pays membres de l’Union des Nations Sud-américaines (UNASUR) ? », sous la direction d'Olivier Dabène. 


Bertrand LE FUR (coordinateur de 2011 à 2014), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 
« L’agenda positif du MERCOSUR : La réduction des asymétries et les politiques publiques régionales », sous la direction d'Yves Surel.

And before...

The Southern Cone center was formerly the Mercosur center, based at the Fundación Polo Mercosur in Montevideo.

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